Aloha, I’m Stephanie!

I’m here to show you how to achieve a level of success that invites to make money by making the work you are passionate about. I am a full-time artist, making six figures annually, without a gallery, and I live in Hawai’i. How did I get here?

Well, when I moved to Maui with just $2,000, I lived in a shed with no electricity and relied on a hose for running water and  I had an outhouse!! Plus, I had no understanding of how to make a living as an artist. But, I knew it was my calling and I needed to pursue a career as an artist.

At the time, I viewed sales as a dirty word. Despite my uncertainties, I embraced the opportunities that came my way and created various revenue streams. Now, I live a life beyond my wildest dreams, residing in a beautiful condo near the ocean on Maui and renting a spacious nearby studio. I have the freedom to make my own schedule which includes walking on the beach, swimming in the ocean, meditating daily, and painting what inspires me, all while having collectors worldwide.

My aspiration is for you to achieve the same level of success. I did it without connections, money, or prior knowledge. When I left art school, I hadn't even met an artist who made a living from their art! If I can overcome these challenges and thrive, I firmly believe you can too.


Stephanie 🌺