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 Artists Make Money
Self-Paced Online Course

Empowering Artists to Sell Their Work Without Selling Out
For Visual Artists of All Levels


Confidently Speak in Public About Your Work & Sell Your Work

Find and Utilize Several Revenue Streams Right for You

Get the Tools to Organize Your Artist Business

Make True Lifelong Connections with Collectors

Are you frustrated that you continue to try different ideas but still are not able to generate enough revenue from your artwork?

Stephanie Sachs in her Studio in Maui.

Do you feel tongue-tied when talking about your work?

Do You Dream of Making a Living as an artist and have no idea where to start?

Are you seeing your friends from art school starting to have success but you feel left behind?

Do you see artists on social media making it but you aren’t and you’re wondering what you’re doing wrong?

Are you feeling jealous? You know you have the talent. You know it happens. But, it’s not happening to you?

Are you an introvert who loves to be at home and you cannot imagine yourself setting up a booth at an art fair, feeling successful and comfortable?

Do you feel like you’re lacking the self confidence to believe that this life can be yours?

What if I told you that you could make a consistent livelihood, have collectors all over the world that come back to you to buy your artwork, and have a life that allows you to paint what you want when you want. All you need to do is:

  • Identify the revenue streams that are right for you

  • Create the structural foundation for your business

  • Comfortably connect with potential collectors about your work

  • Consistently engage with and grow your audience by sending occasional emails


Stephanie Sachs sells her work consistently and for decades has been making sales in the six figures.

She has collectors, many of whom have multiple paintings of hers, from all over the world.

Stephanie creates work in her unique style and sells all her paintings for high prices within two years of their creation.

She lives the life beyond her wildest dreams and believes you can too!

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Aloha Artists!

I have created this course with a deep desire to see you succeed, just as I have. The world needs creative people, and it is essential for creative people to monetize their talents in order to flourish. My goal is for you to build the life you envision as an artist, be inspired to create from your true voice, and captivate collectors with your masterpieces.

Through strategic work, perseverance, and seizing opportunities, I have established a prosperous business as a painter. Along the way, I have witnessed numerous artists struggling to make a living, even those with immense talent. Many artists have sought my guidance and support, and I have always been open and willing to assist them in any way I can.

The reason I developed this course is that the business side of art can be shrouded in mystery. If you attended art school like I did, you may have noticed that it was rarely discussed. Additionally, discussing money and business tends to be taboo in artistic circles. I aim to lift the veil and share with you the knowledge I wish I had when I started my journey, as well as the skills I have acquired along the way. As a lifelong learner, I have distilled the most crucial aspects of the art business to help you succeed without compromising your artistic integrity. You absolutely can find collectors who appreciate your unique voice and vision—I know this because I have accomplished it myself.

When I moved to Maui with just $2,000 from working as a waiter, I lived in a shed with no electricity and relied on a hose for running water and I had an outhouse!! Plus, I had no understanding of how to make a living as an artist. At the time, I viewed sales as a dirty word. Despite my uncertainties, I embraced the opportunities that came my way and created various revenue streams. Now, I live a life beyond my wildest dreams, residing in a beautiful condo near the ocean on Maui and making art in a spacious studio nearby. I have the freedom to make my own schedule which includes walking on the beach, swimming in the ocean, meditating daily, and painting what inspires me, all while having collectors worldwide.

My aspiration is for you to achieve the same level of success. I did it without connections, money, or prior knowledge. When I left art school, I hadn't even met an artist who made a living from their art! If I can overcome these challenges and thrive, I firmly believe you can too.

I invite you to open the doors to this opportunity. Now is the time to embrace your life as an artist!

Warmest Aloha,
🌺 Stephanie

Do not let these common misperceptions stop you from making a living as an artist!

I want you to know that YOU…

  • Can consistently sell your artwork at a sustainable price point. 

  • Can easily talk about your work, even if you are an introvert.  

  • Do not need to change your style to have sales. 

  • Do not need to be super organized and business-minded to succeed. 

  • Can create multiple streams of income to get through the ups and downs of the market. 

  • Do not have to rely solely on galleries to make your income. 

  • Can create life long collectors who will follow your career and buy your art at every stage of your career. 

  • Do not need to be the most talented, the most talkative, the friendliest, the most confident to make a living as an artist. 

  • Do not need to obsess over social media to create a fan base. 

For Over 20 years I have made six figure sales of my artwork while also having noted successes like…

+Being in a recent edition of New American Paintings

+ Having collectors in major cities all over the world including, New York, San Francisco, Vancouver, Tokyo and Dubai. 

+Having my work exhibited in Chelsea, New York; California; and multiple juried shows in Hawaii

+Have an email list that is the envy of galleries with an outstanding open rate. 

Artists I have advised have…

+Started revenue streams that they never knew existed and even ended up on television painting a wedding on The Bachelor. 

+Are preparing for an art event in Tokyo. 

+Created the right price points on their originals and reproductions so that they are making the right return of their investment and creating real revenue to live on

+Have a fantastic email list that generates yearly sales. 


 This course paired with my guidance based on years of six figure sales will teach you how to …

+Pinpoint the one or two revenue streams right for you and give you a clear path to pursuing them. 

+Learn to talk about your work in a way that others want to learn more. 

+Become at ease with creating meaningful connections with potential gallerists and potential collectors. 

+Become more confident and embrace the success that you deserve. 

+Stop spending hours on social media and learn to use it to your benefit in a minimal amount of time. 

+Learn to embrace sales and how to ask for the sale without feeling pushy

+Learn to set up a compelling booth space that draws people into your event like a magnet

+Know what to say and how to act when a potential collector says they need to think about it

+Create deep relationships with your collectors so that they thrill to receive your newsletters and continue to purchase more artwork over the years. 

+Create lasting relationships with galleries

+Increase the price of your artwork

+Feel confident as an artist! 

AND Make a Good Consistent Living from Your Creative Endeavors, Thriving and Living the Life You Dream of! 

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 This program is for ARTISTS…

+Working in all Media and Styles

+Of Every Level

+Who Do Fairs and Events 

+Who want to be in well run Galleries

+Who want more sales 

+Who want to use their time more efficiently 

+Who want to create long term relationships with collectors 

This program is NOT for artists who…

+envision someone else doing the work for them.

+do not want to consider income streams other than galleries.

+do not want to sell their work. 


Artists Make Money will greatly benefit ARTISTS…

  • Of All Levels of Skill and Education 

  • Who never went to art school 

  • Who have an BFA or MFA 

  • Who are just starting to consider building a career in the arts

  • Who have been in galleries for years 

  • Interested in talking about their work with ease and selling their work directly to collectors. 

  • Who have never created an artists statement or talked about their work 

  • Who feel sales is not possible for them

  • Who are scared to be rejected 

  • Who struggle to make a consistent living even with galleries

  • Who don’t have a website

  • That do have a website

Time Commitment 

+This is a self paced course that you can take anytime of the day or night and you will have access to for 2 years. My recommendation is to spend at least one hour a week with this course to keep the momentum going. 

Nobody teaches you how to think about sales, talk about your work in a way that is relatable to collectors and create long term collectors directly. Nobody teaches you the mysterious of how to organize and run your business even if you have limited time. Nobody teaches you that your career is a long lasting career and there are ways to smooth the bumps in the road.

Artists Make Money is the essential program designed to help you establish a successful career as an artist. This comprehensive course fills the gaps left by traditional art education, making it indispensable for visual artists, regardless of whether they have attended art school. By enrolling in this course, you will gain invaluable knowledge that will lay the groundwork for your business for years to come. It is the ultimate resource, equipping visual artists with the necessary tools to navigate their careers with confidence and purpose. Prepare to feel empowered and shed the aimlessness often experienced in the art world. Implementing the lessons from this course will enable you to generate immediate financial growth.

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 When You Complete This Course You will have clear steps to make money as an artist and build your career! Your confidence will soar and you will be able to embrace your art world! 

Are you ready to make more money from your creative endeavors? Are you prepared to experience a profound sense of empowerment and knowledge? This course will equip you with the necessary guidance and insights to navigate your career at any stage. By the end, you will know how to build your art career and have the confidence to talk about and sell your work. And most importantly, you will possess a comprehensive set of tools that will serve as your compass throughout your artistic journey.

Artists Make Money - Special Enrollment
One time
For 4 months

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Once you sign up you will have access to all the videos and they will be provided in the order Stephanie believes is best to watch them. When worksheets and templates are needed they are provided underneath the videos.

    Everything is self paced and easy to access.

  • You have access to all Course Materials for 2 years.

  • This course is taught by Stephanie Sachs an artist who has made her living as an artist for over 25 years. She has hands on, straight forward advice on how to make a living because she has done it.

  • Stephanie is at a point in her career where she believes it is time to be of service to as many artists as possible. She has an unwavering desire to witness your success. And be a part of bring more creativity into this world.

  • No. This is a nonrefundable class. Stephanie has worked hard to insure that everyone who watches these videos and then implements a portion of the steps will have greater success in their career.